Designer and architecture enthusiast Jonathan Hartmann-Pisoni ponders his innovative "Systemhostel" idea in his apartment in Einsiedeln (Switzerland) in 2012. He wanted to use it to refresh the well-worn concept of youth hostels. Because thinking alone does not make you happy, he begins to construct. It was to be a present for his sister. An ingenious one: the object should combine the system concept with a bold, stylish design. 


The EINSTEIN® inspires a renowned architect from Ticino. He exhibits it in his company - where it cuts a "bella figura" and causes quite a stir. Encouraged, Jonathan goes one step further and launches the first crowdfunding campaign for his EINSTEIN®. However, he was unsuccessful due to his poor social media skills. "Always tried, always failed, no matter, try again, fail again, fail better!": Inspired by tennis star Stan Wawrinka's tattoo, Jonathan doesn't let up. 


Jonathan puts all his eggs in one basket. He designs, tinkers, carries out material tests and clarifies sustainability issues. He travels to Germany to evaluate aluminum plates. He persistently besieged a yacht component manufacturer until they finally supplied him with the perfect and highly resistant plastic holders for the aluminum tiles. In Austria and Germany, he puts together the non-toxic paint and coating range. In Switzerland, Jonathan finds partners for the timber construction, milling and powder coating, who are soon as passionate about the project as he is. Incidentally, Jonathan has also researched New Zealand, Chicago and Iceland, but doesn't want to say anything about them yet.

eckstein's series production

In the summer of 2020 - after five years of intensive development work - they are standing in Jonathan's studio: the first ten EINSTEINE! And lo and behold: they are even more beautiful than dreamed. They work perfectly. You want to take them all home right away. But they still have a few jobs to do: as shooting stars on the website, as excellently materialized arguments during the EINSTEIN crowdfunding campaign. Eckstein Design Company is still looking for investors / partners who want to help make series production possible.